

Application in drainage

This type of polymer net applied for drainage of soil and rock zone sunder different gradient sand according to proper geometry,is applicable in various structures such as tunnels,trenches and drainage channels. Generally, they are applied for all projects that drainage is required.

Among the major project simple mented with the products of this company, drainage of retaining walls in Tehran’s great Mosalla, surface drain age of tunnel trenchin Kandovan and several other projects.

Rabitz (HF20L)

It has been very useful in coating of the walls and roof sand due to its durability against corrosion, rust and flexibility, it has a wide area of applications in construction.

Among the most important applications of these rabitz, we can mention reinforcing plaster and concrete coatings around steel and concrete columns, suspended roofs and floors, reinforcing panels,interior wall sand …

Rabitz sheets are producedin40/2 × 6/0meters.


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